新春佛光素CNY Vegetarian Special

1. 大芥菜洗净切片,放入已加入糖、盐及油的沸水中,川烫至熟,捞出立刻浸泡入冰水中,冰镇片刻,备用。(图1)
2. 白果去除苦心和红枣一起蒸软,备用。
3. 在砂锅里热1汤匙油,加入上述已处理好的材料与调味料一起拌炒。(图2-3)
4. 加入美丽牌罗汉斋、美丽牌斋鲍鱼及马蹄,一起焖约2分钟,勾芡后,便可上碟。(图4-6)

1 can Mili Vegetarian Abalone, 1 can Mili Luo Han Zhai, 10pcs gingko, 5pc water chestnuts (sliced), 1
stalk mustard stem, 3 red dates (pitted and halved)
2 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce, 1 tsp mushroom stock granule, 1 tsp sesame oil
1. Cut mustard stem into slices and then blanch in boiling water with dash of sugar, salt and oil
until cooked; drain and soak in ice cold water immediately. (pic 1)
2. Remove gems of gingko and steam with red dates until soften.
3. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, sauté all the above ingredietns with seasoning. (pic 2-3)
4. Add in Mili Luo Han Zhai, Mili Abalone and all other ingredients and water chestnut, steam for 2
minutes. Thicken with starch and dish out. (pic 4-6)

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